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In bar operations, as in any other food & beverage operations, everything starts with ordering, and this is the first step that, if poorly managed, can cause losses. The manager should track if the inventory he/she orders is popular with customers, brings desirable margins, sells well, and also he/she should set par level of minimum and maximum amount of stock required for the bar to operate efficiently. It is also important to track which kinds of liquors don’t sell quickly and just sit on shelves, and thus need to be taken off as they do not make money for the bar.
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Next, the inventory has to be checked as it arrives to the bar, as due to the human error such as a simple miscounting or intentional dishonesty, loss can start already at the back door.
A huge role in managing a bar’s costs is played by bartenders, who must be held accountable for their actions. One of the efficient soft measures lied in the constant communication with them. The manager needs to make sure bartenders know all do’s and don’ts, explain the consequences for not controlling loss and waste, show them that their performance is being tracked.
Out of the more hard measures, the most effective is installation of specially designed bar management and inventory tracking systems. They are expensive but they help to minimize waste and stealing.
Automatic beverage dispensers are a common way to control pour cost, in more advanced systems dispensers are connected with the system that records how much of which liquor and at which time was poured. The staff should be trained not to throw away empty liquor bottles, but save them so that the morning shift counts and replaces inventory. There can also be installed surveillance cameras for better monitoring. In case of detected problems, the manager should keep an eye on employees to realize where the problem comes from. If the fraud is found, the manager should be strict in letting such employees go from the company.
Bar manager |
Additionally, to avoid a problem of staff stealing cash or overcharging / undercharging, one solution is to set up a bar in such a way that the customer gets an electronic card with a certain balance at the entrance, which he beeps every time he orders a drink and it gets automatically charged, and then pays the necessary amount at the cash desk when he leaves. In this way there is no direct money transferring at the bar itself, so bartenders can’t manipulate it.